nik airball parents. Nik Airball was born in Mumbai, India, on September 22, 1988. nik airball parents

 Nik Airball was born in Mumbai, India, on September 22, 1988nik airball parents  Nik’s HendonMob page only shows a cash in one tournament due to him being exclusively a cash-game player

Right after j4 hand he talked about how he is the one facilitating loans and shit so people can play. The heated exchanges between the two started on Doug Polk's podcast, where Arcot and Polk openly criticized. I’d like to apologize for getting out of line last night, I have apologized to the players and dealers. ago It’s his Chinese gf money or her dads may I say. He’s won $20,700 in the World Poker Tour and has gained quite a fortune from cash game winnings and Livestream shows. HAHAHAHAHA He even wished ButtonClicker "good luck" before the run it twice thing. Nik Airball and other players have had some not so positive things t. View Profile Send Message Find Posts By daxile Find Threads By daxile. The Matt Berkey vs. See moreMay 29, 2023Out of all the names that came up on the big stage of these shows, Nikhil Arcot, also known as Nik Airball, has been one of the. I can't imagine wealthy parents would be like "here's money for a little, average house, and an average car but here is millions to gamble at a casino "when wesley burst out with the "you a weak pussy" line and nik and pav burst out laughing i fucken died, so so funny . i mean I doubt it was literally dead even but im guessing within 10k. Airball went into that match full of confidence, but ended up losing the million pretty fast and. With a 3-bet of $10,000 Airball was keeping the pressure on. • 1 yr. Nik Bluffed him early, then proceeded to say "You're my bitch. There are trusts with terms built in, such as an inheritance for when you turn 18, etc. GIF. Nik Airball isn't a trust fund kid anyways. . sounds like mw2 lobby and im here for it. Ahora Nick enfrentará en otro duelo al popular Garrett Adelstein. Airball, whose real name is Nikhil. Toward the end of the show, Airball denied by drunk despite drinking from a large glass of red wine at the time. Play Online ‘Nik Airball’ Happy to Play With Anyone, Including Garrett Adelstein Nikhil ‘NikAirball’ Arcot gets a kick out of playing the villain at the poker table, but in his mind it’s all about having as much fun as he can against anyone who will play him. @nikairball. Alexandra and Nik Stauskas got engaged in 2018 after a year of being together. Nik Airball. I like the part where Nik said he had to be home by 6am so his wife can take a picture of his little peepee 🤣. ago. I played my A game 2. 149. Airball, whose real name is Nikhil Arcot, has. . Matt Berkey started off the challenge strongly, ending Day 1 with a huge $133,500 profit. Nik Airball. Nik’s wife is Alexandra Stauskas. Cap-N-CrunchPoker • 6 mo. Nik Airball is a combo of Bellande/Robl ("Blue Ocean Strategy"), Addamo/Holz/Haxton (GTO Strategy), and Hellmuth/Negreanu (White Magic Strategy). 70 Aggravating_Step_136 • 5 mo. Airball won't say shit and is pleading the 5th. Mar 21. 2. The long-rumored, highly anticipated Hustler Casino Live $1 million buy-in cash game is official. 4. Watch the entire episode here: HERE for more of the best high stakes poker action the entire episode here: HERE for more of the best high stakes poker action new Hustler Casino Live App has officially launched! Watch for Upcoming Live Streams, check out Past Live Streams, and even Poker Highlights Follow your favorite players, access their featured clips, and get notified when they're playing on the show. My poker career would never have landed me here otherwise. Hilarious comment by Nik Airball (guy who lost $750,000 USD in one night) The issue is that everyone that plays on the stream considers themselves "pro". Recommended articles. However, like all classic villain arcs, he eventually got his comeuppance, losing $759,200 in a single high-stakes sitting in Southern California. Mahowny @OwningMahowny. Matt Berkey is completely obliterating his rival Nik Airball in a heavily publicized heads-up poker battle and the match is more than halfway complete. Reply. He was able to post ONE picture where he covered me. DrawingDeadBut he is a bit private person as well apart from his dating life and girlfriend. seems way too convinient. Written by: Paul Seaton May 11, 2023 Affiliate Disclaimer. He's going to be bought and sold like one. Nik Airball was born on 22nd September 1988 in Mumbai, India and his parents are well-known. The next morning, Airball agrees to give RIP a $175K loan to play in the game the J4 hand took place (Confirmed via Airball’s Twitter statement). Nik Airball seems like a nice and polite guy. In just under 60 hours of play over 10 sessions, Matt Berkey has finished off the trash talking Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot in a high-stakes heads-up poker match at Resorts World. Now Nik Airball sets a nice trap by checking and it works. ImpressiveCap1992 • 4 mo. Airball is like the whale on ignition who wins a big pot and then hits you with the 😂 emoji… you just can’t wait to get your revenge. In this article, we'll revisit the infamous event and talk about recent online drama. “Saturday 2pm, Resorts World. 6:46 PM · Sep 1, 2022. ago. 'cause LiAngelo just announced he and his girlfriend Nikki Mudarris are expecting their first bundle of joy. Supposedly that's why he was roasting Wes so hard last night. ” - the article. Doug Polk, co-owner of The Lodge Card Club in Austin, Texas, offered up a place for Adelstein and Nik Airball to battle it out — his live-stream. Nik Airball Early Life & Family. stauskas where she has over 6,000 followers. Supposedly that's why he was roasting Wes so hard last night. Accomplished_Welder3 Bumhunter • 8 mo. Nik Airball was taking so many breaks the first weekend in order to record the action of every notable hand. Biography. The latest drama to unfold between Matt Berkey, founder of Solve For Why, and Hustler Casino Live featured player Nikhil Arcot, aka 'Nik Airball', has the poker community on the edge of their seats, eager for a taste of the action. His wealth is estimated to be around $10 million. @nikairball. Airball folded immiedtly haha. Nik Airball Poker Player overall profits are growing every day, and he is also becoming more popular. All Time Money List 96,332nd. and he is still the same nit. Here's the full clip: Eric leaves the game early after losing a $160K pot (but still up $60K for the night). The recreational player and investment banker has made a name for himself in recent months thanks to his kamikaze style. Photo by Hustler Casino Live / YouTube Early in the match, it appeared that Nik Airball might make the game more competitive than some anticipated. I don't know but my parents owe me $750,000 so I'm not concerned about other people only myself. Other things I never knew about Nik is that he “triumphed” in a number of notable competitions including a 4th place finish in the WSOP main. @nikairball. Either fake folding or fake calling. ago. @nikairball. Parents And Net Worth. On the latest episode of The Nick Vertucci Podcast, the host was joined by Hustler Casino Live regular Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot where the. I believe he owns the 2nd largest construction company in China and is worth a reported $80 billion 1 Ok-Scallion-3415 • 5 mo. Imagine my surprise to see one of the best cash game players of all time, Nik "the quick" Airball. Before delving into Nik Airball’s net worth, it’s important to understand who he is as a poker player. Tony G - $36 million. Show replies. ago. @ChrisDeBord322. HU Match Result: -$1,029,700. I always run it an odd number of times so SOMEBODY lose SOMETHING. 0. It was Balaban’s debut as a feature. Airball could have shrunk back into the shadows a la that Homer Simpson meme but instead, he took to Twitter immediately upon defeat to congratulate his opponent. As announced by Ryan Feldman and Nick Vertucci on Joey Ingram’s YouTube. Whatever Matt buys in for tells you everything you need to know about him and his company. @nikairball. Nik Airball and poker coach Matt Berkey are creating one of the biggest dramas in the sport. Nik Airball: "I said the truth. Whatever Matt buys in for tells you everything you need to know about him and his company. Nik Airball. Nik Airball Height, Weight & Physical AppearanceEthan ‘Rampage’ Yau, Eric Persson, and Nik Arcot (aka ‘Nik Airball’) will be included in Hustler Casino Live’s Million Dollar Game. HAHAHAHAHA He even wished ButtonClicker "good luck" before the run it twice thing. Owain Flanders March 30, 2023. Threw the guy under the bus to make. Replying to . Huss is claiming that Ben and Nik Airball told him Wesley is a confirmed Scammer. His parents information is unknown as it seems he is private person. Berkey and Yau Among Those to Win Big Off Airball. He is a relatively new to the high stake poker scene. I was in the poor middle class area, the food court. Nik Airball intends to drag this heads up match with Berkey out for at least 6 months. He speaks fluent Mandarin and his wife is Chinese. Airball is a jackass but he’s never struck me as functionally stupid. Poker isn't real unless Nik airball buries the fake poker tutorial scammer 😈. A few hours later, the match was over and Berkey declared victory, taking more than $1 million from Airball in less than sixty hours of play. The high-stakes grudge match between Solve For Why founder Matt Berkey and rising Hustler Casino Live star Nik ‘Airball’ Arcot is officially in the books with Berkey taking more than a cool $1,000,000 off Airball in just 58 hours of heads-up play. It adds more torment for one of the game's most divisive players, who already had lost $750,000 in the past week. The regular sub cost for S4Y is $500 or $600 for the entire year. Agreeable_Essay3709 • 6 mo. He was able to post ONE picture where he covered me. The show sees massive cash swings on the table and Airball repeatedly mixing it up in action. — Nik Airball (@nikairball) May 9, 2023. Nik Airball was born on 22nd September 1988 in Mumbai, India and his parents are well-known poker players and his real name is Nikhil Segel. The total duration of the match is 100 hours, but there is a cap – if someone loses a million dollars, the match will stop. Nik Airball Height, Weight & Physical Appearance Tim Fiorvanti. . buy-in $100k, no max buy-in. After Tuesday's half-a-million-dollar defeat, Nik Airball wasn't thrilled that PokerNews had written an article about his misfortunes. In March 2023, the high-stakes regular spoke about losing $744,000 in a session on the show. On Wednesday, he bounced back nicely with a $420,000 win. You’re playing the best hands in a safe way. Your parents have * 1. People here will praise Tony G for it and then complain when these 2 people do it. com Nik Airball is up 552k over 46 streams, last updated 12/14/2022. Sadly, one of the players faced not only a seven-figure loss but also engaged in a bit of trash talk. 08:05. They are both poking a little fun at each other. Now he doesn’t. He’s got YouTube money, and that club gg money, and also that being good at poker money, he’s probably not on a regular stake but he’s probably got some backers for these huge stream games. She was born and raised in Flagstaff, Arizona, US, so her nationality is American, however, she has not revealed. Nik Airball. Nik Airball and the others talk shit about Buttonclickr after he leaves. He wouldn't be the first though. Nik Airball was born in Mumbai, India, on September 22, 1988. Nik Airball is a well-known and well-respected poker pro who plays professionally. Maybe it's an internet thing, but I think a lot of the hate toward him is based on him being a little less. 16. In the days following his $1M grudge match against antagonist Nik Airball, Berkey agreed to tell PokerOrg what’s been on his mind the last few months. Regardless, Airball bet a mere $200 to see if he could get any action, and rather than raise with his aces, Berkey simply called in what could have been an attempt to trap Airball. He has tons of issues. @nikairball. Tmrw I will buy in for $1 million. And then Nik was up 100k today which is how we have berkey at +30k ish. Arcot 3-bet $10,000 from under the gun (UTG) with A3o and his rival did not waste any time in making that call. one poker battle. Harvard University awarded Nik Airball a bachelor’s degree in economics, and he obtained a master’s degree in finance from. Audience would be happy to see him go I imagine. And all these "friends" who want to teach him poker will be gone as soon as he's broke. Nik, who can raise the money, is the rightful owner of the Hustler. TBH if this happened to Nik Airball, I'm happy. With an insane climb from his $15,000 starting stack to ending the stream at over $95,000, JBoogs made an. Someone on YouTube said “Nik Airball wasn’t bullied enough in high school. . Born rich and his wife’s parents are extremely rich according to him. Chris DeBord. Madison Beer comes to give Nik Airball a hug. Congrats to Berkey. Your parents have * 1. . Dwan would go on to win $160,000 for the stream, but Anthony was the biggest winner at just over $400,000. Here is what happened between Nik Airball poker player, and Garrett Adelstein, our. He admitted on stream that he deals with massive mood swings and anxiety. @nikairball. He thinks he's chilling away or hustling when really he's a mark. FULL EPISODE: #highstakespoker #pokerclips #BigBetPokerLiveLive at the Bike is History! We stream REAL LIVE POKER ca. He also looks as though he could have some Chinese heritage. Just watched Brad Owen punt $37k preflop with 72os into AA. Matt Berkey (left) and Nik Arcot (aka ‘Nik Airball’) began their heads-up match over the weekend. Replying to. With salesmanship, he has been able to position himself against relative live ones. For a moment late last week, it looked like it might not happen at all. With an insane climb from his $15,000 starting stack to ending the stream at over $95,000, JBoogs made an. Cates bet $42,000 on the river, and put Airball in an unfamiliar position, on his heels. ScotchOnDaRocks. His mother and father did not come from a wealthy family. 5 Million: 2022: 10 Million: 2023: 10. I don’t know if I can call,” laments NikAirball. Toward the end of the show, Airball denied by drunk despite drinking from a large glass of red wine at the time. As of 2023, he is 35 years old. He would have already needed millions in his bankroll for the games and loans he talks about. 8 pounds. IveNeverPooped • 6 mo. Nik Airball Makes A Crucial Fold. He said Rip's bank wire. Airball is so readable and predictable its pathetic. Berkey only called Airball’s bet of $1,000 on the jack-high flop. Nik Airball. 70 Aggravating_Step_136 • 5 mo. He has been. So the probability you're facing a fullhouse is 22% lower with AJ. Destroy the fake online tutorial scammers Let's fucking goooooo comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment chuckXXL. Airball, the self-proclaimed ‘King of Los Angeles’ – in reality a fortune-builder in investment banking – called with only a minor hesitation. “Nik believes in using his wealth and success to help people in need, and his charitable deeds are evidence of his kind nature. I’ll make a longer post in a couple days. Nik Airball continues to improve, Nik lost only -$29K on last night's stream. However, it’s not impossible to see the return of Mike Brady against the incredible trash-talker, Nik Airball. Jacob, Robbi, and myself were the only ones at Javier’s from approximately 4:30-5pm until Midnight on 9/28/2022. @DougPolkVids I’M COMING FOR YOU!”Nikhil "Nik Airball" Arcot. Before the clock reached 4:00, poker's newest. 17,295. I believe I am following through. At Hustler Casino Live, during a $100/$200 game, Nik Airball and Blank Check Ben gave us some intense heads-up action in this hand: After an Under-The-Gun raise to $500 by Blank Check Ben with 3♠️3♥️ and $208,300 in his stack, the action folded to Nik Airball at The Button who. He joined us for a while last week & made the game 17% more fun. I wish he had played more fearful 😂😂!I met Nik in the most (un)likely of places - Costco. and he is still the same nit. 11:24 PM · Oct 7, 2022. Nik Airball. At the quarter pole , he held a $90,000 lead and was riding high. Also Lynne "Bro, you're a belligerent drunk" Must be a fun uber ride back home. Garrett Adelstein’s departure from the show (and the poker world in general) left a void just big enough for an Airball-sized personality. Nik Airball. He's a good personality at the table, plays a lot of hands and provides more entertainment than most. With salesmanship, he has been able to position himself against relative live ones. 277. 🏾 — Nik Airball (@nikairball)Thirsty Thursday Officially Launches. Kinda sounds outta pocket for Nick to be mentioning that. Airball will be familiar to viewers of Hustler Casino Live. Nik Airball. Furthermore, according to her birth date, her birth sign is Pisces. High-stakes poker players at a live stream cash game Thursday said Nik Airball was "drunk" and "belligerent" during a wild session inside the Poker Go studio in Las Vegas. I admit I did it… I’m happy for Matt. 3. He has tons of issues. You’re probably seeing a showdown, often times multi-way. Matt Berkey (left) and Nikhil ‘Nik Airball’ Arcot are preparing for a high-stakes heads-up match in Las Vegas. According to trackingpoker. They honestly should just remove him from the stream. Poker DocumentarySupport the Channel:. one poker battle. Nik Airball and other players have. . Nik Airball is passionate about helping businesses grow. Nik Airball Age, Wiki, And Early Life. Set in a 1950s California suburb, the film centers on a 10-year old boy (Madorsky), who suspects that his parents (Quaid and Hurt) are not what they seem. Airball 3-bet to $3,000 and Henry called. I initially understood this as Nik Airball paying 100k an episode to appear on HCL because I'm used to trying to avoid the passive voice. IM THE KING OF LA POKER. ago. In March 2023, the high-stakes regular spoke about losing $744,000 in a session on the show. 314 DudeChillington • 5 mo. I live in China and his Chinese is even noticeably flawed to an American with very mid Chinese. Other things I never knew about Nik is that he “triumphed” in a number of notable competitions including a 4th place finish in the WSOP main in 2014 and a deep run in the 2018 PCA 25k high roller!Nikhil Arcot, better known by his poker name Nik Airball, ran bad Wednesday to further his losses during the popular livestream show Hustler Casino Live (HCL). Everyone in his life is enabling this degeneracy because it’s ‘good for. Other than that yeah he's a little bit of a dick. In the days following his $1M grudge match against antagonist Nik Airball, Berkey agreed to tell PokerOrg what’s been on his mind the last few months. i had a buddy of mine who was loaded, and he got his money from a million dollar inheritance that. Attreyee KhasnabisMay 8, 2023. 2. In March of 2023, the high-stakes regular revealed that he had dropped $744,000. Perfect description of him. In March 2023, the high-stakes regular spoke about losing $744,000 in a session on the show. His remarkable earnings are a testament to his unparalleled success in the world of professional poker. Nik Airball. PT Thursday afternoon. Rounding out the game will be two fan favorites and recreational players. Add a Comment. Back in late 2022, Garrett Adelstein accused Robbi Jade Lew of cheating during a stream. Poker player plus investment banker equals casino owner. Nik's parents are definitely successful and well to do, but not the type that would like their kids to be dependent on free money. There's a bitter feud within the Hustler Casino Live community playing out over Twitter. He has started playing poker with his family on a regular basis. Nik Airball Net Worth and Nik Airball Bio, Height, Age, Real Name I have never joined a spaces before. Nik Airball -120 feels about right. Poker villain Nik Airball lost two big hands during a Hustler Casino Live session Wednesday. The Hustler has become Airball’s church and the live-stream set is his pulpit. Congrats to Berkey. But he is a bit private person as well apart from his dating life and girlfriend. Berkey was up big on day one at first Nik closed the gap and I think Berkey ended the day around 130-150k+. Airball is bad poker player and a much worse human being. Berkey and Yau Among Those to Win Big Off Airball. His comments about Hustler Casino Live regular Nik Airball started a debate, and before you knew it, Adelstein was told (indirectly) that he’s not welcome back to Hustler’s high-stakes cash games. Nik Airball calls opponents' names and threatens to bankrupt them. to learn how to exploit Berkey’s play. Berkey said Nik is a trust fund baby , his parents seem to be very rich. ago. When I was in fifth grade, I felt–for lack of a better word–unseen. His Bankroll might be 2-10M. For three straight days — May 27, 28, and 29 — Hustler Casino Live will stream at least 10 hours of a $500/$1,000 ($1,000 big blind ante) cash game where everyone must buy-in for at least $1. Less than half an hour’s poker had been played by the time Berkey woke up with pocket aces and Airball held. sounds like mw2 lobby and im here for it. I would say Matt Berkey is definitely among the best poker players out there. THATS THE TRUTH. Nik responded in kind, stating that Adelstein was a completely different person behind the scenes, claiming he was only interested in his own EV and even berating amateur players when the cameras weren't running. Not our biz” Maybe Nik Airball was simply born rich. Ok-Confusion-2368 • 5 mo. According to trackingpoker. and @ChadAHolloway. Going into Saturday’s session, Berkey was winning big, up well more than $600,000. This being LA, they have lines to get food outside almost like football game concession stand. 2k, Nik raises to 4k, Berkey calls. The pair have a hostile rivalry and are competing in an ongoing one vs. 78. @nikairball - I’m loyal to HCL/Ryan & Nick - I don’t look to maximize every edge - I don’t think I’m bigger than the show - I know how to put on a show - I don’t game select/influence Ryan to cater lineups towards me -. We will update you as soon as we get any information. Even Nik Airball's supercomputer equity calculators, range analysis tools, EV decision trees tools, pre-flop Nash calculators, GTO AI Solvers, PIO Solver, and Ericksonian hypnosis-based superb mindset coaching were financed by his Trust Fun. The Solve For Why founder and Hustler Casino Live star met at the Resorts World Poker. Mar 28, 2023. Table Of Contents. Don't be so sensitive. The turn was the K ♣ , no help for. 3K. So true. @nikairball. 1,516. Was my first time seeing this airball guy play on the stream last night. S. There's a bitter feud within the Hustler Casino Live community playing out over Twitter. Late in the Wednesday interview, which you can watch on YouTube, Polk said that he attempted to facilitate a heads-up match between Berkey and Airball but claimed Berkey wouldn't commit to a time. @nikairball - I’m loyal to HCL/Ryan & Nick - I don’t look to maximize every edge - I don’t think I’m bigger than the show - I know how to put on a show - I don’t game select/influence Ryan to cater lineups towards me -. Who is Nik Stauskas? Nik Stauskas is a basketball player, who has been playing for the NBA Philadelphia 76ers since 2015. As streaming live cash games become increasingly popular, Nikhil Arcot (better known as “Nik Airball”) has become a regular on Hustler Club Live. Chase Davis. Matt Berkey and Nik Airball got into what could be called a brawl (by poker standards) ahead of their much-anticipated $200/$400 heads-up match. With $5,300,000 on the table, this bomb of a poker hand went down. To say Nikairball speaks better Chinese than natives is one of the most flagrantly wrong statements I’ve ever read. Congrats to Berkey. It doesn’t discount the fact that in the next 6-9 months somewhere Nick Airball will be a proud parent. . Then he will basically catch airball bluffing for the next 60-70 hours until Nick quits or Berkey is up so much he can take the last week or two off and still win. Nik Airball was born on 22nd September 1988 in Mumbai, India and his parents are well-known poker players and his real name is Nikhil Segel. In Part 2, Berkey goes deeper into his. Nik Airball and other players have. Despite being a well-known figure in the poker business, Nik Airball keeps his personal life private and out of the public eye. His relationship status is also unknown. Questions were raised as Nik Airball confirmed his participation in yet another session after having quite a few poor outings. Nik Airball, whose real name is Nikhil Arcot, is an investment banker who has made a name for himself in the poker world. 11. One recent poker battle met professional poker players Nikhil “Nik Airball” Arcot and Matt Berkey at Resorts World in Las Vegas. MM624 @MMenamarina · Feb 27. “I don’t have much, Jungle, but I don’t know if I believe this. It’s all over. Fuck that guy. Airball spent three-plus minutes in the tank, before finally letting his hand go. Fuck that guy. Sometimes you’re the artist, sometimes you’re the punter #CustomerAppreciationDay. On the turn, no diamond fell, which saw Berkey lead for $10,000. Join Date: Jun 2006 Posts: 14,343. The way that Madison Beer infographic popped up on the screen after her being in the room for 50 sec. The high-stakes grudge match between Solve For Why founder Matt Berkey and rising Hustler Casino Live star Nik ‘Airball’ Arcot is officially in the books with Berkey taking more than a cool $1,000,000 off Airball in just 58 hours of heads-up play. 5. It adds more torment for one of the game's most divisive players, who already had lost $750,000 in the. His zodiac sign is Taurus. The 28-year-old calls himself the "King of LA" and. If she doesn't worry about it then she's as big an idiot as he is. 33. Rob Yong called him the highest-stakes amateur poker player in the world. This is classic Tammy. I can only imagine how you are off stream. The show sees massive cash swings on the table and Airball repeatedly mixing it up in action. Nik Airball didn't just lend Rip (Jacob Chavez, a guy he'd known for 1-2 days) 175k chips, he also loaned him his $400k-$500k+ Richard Mille RM 055 to make Rip seem like he had money. Vertucci’s Revelation: Nik Airball’s Payday. Such a weird situation. Fuck that guy. Guys around here will tell ya, you play for a living, it's like. Hence, we couldn’t trace any information regarding Nik Airball Girlfriend. That put Choi in the tank for a couple of minutes before he made the call to scoop a $410,000 pot. Just finished reviewing yesterday’s @HCLPokerShow. That's Tammy, Trey's ex girlfriend. He says that Garrett is the least important player in the game but he also brings in the most views. @nikairball. Salary: $500 Thousand Per Major Stunt. - I’m loyal to HCL/Ryan & Nick - I don’t look to maximize every edge - I don’t think I’m bigger than the show - I know how to put on a show - I don’t game select/influence Ryan to cater lineups towards me - I don’t shut ANYONE out of games. An excellent communicator. He is the human live straddle. 08-16-2023 , 08:12 PM. Nik. JUNGLE IS A FISH! Bring more Jungles! Straddle Jungle, don't be scared. ScotchOnDaRocks. Watch two hands in which Airball saw a combined $270,000 pushed his opponent's way.